The PADI Deep Diver Specialty Course teaches you how to be safe when diving to 40 metres.
You will learn more about the effects of pressure and how it affects your dive times and dive experience.
At the end of the course you will be certified to dive to 40 metres.

deep diver

Diving a deep wreck

Deep Diver Specialty – Challenging, but fun!

You will see the effect that depth has on your response times

You’ll learn to be more aware of your gas consumption, depth, dive time and no-deco limits.

We’ll visit a deep wreck and you’ll practice navigation at depth as well as a simulated emergency decompression stop.

testing responses at depth

Test your mental skills at depth

The Deep Diver Specialty Course is 4 dives and can be completed in two days.
The course includes a manual, and there is a knowledge review at the end.
We teach you about:

  • dive planning
  • using checklists to reduce mistakes
  • awareness of your gas use
  • the effect of depth on colours
  • how depth affects your response times
  • navigation at depth
  • the effect of pressure on your body and airspaces
deep diver

Who is this course for?

The simple answer is anyone who is Advanced Open Water and is comfortable in the water.

But realistically who might use these skills?

  • Divemasters or Dive Guides
  • Anyone who wants to visit deeper dive sites
  • Divers who want more knowledge and experience of diving
  • Individuals who are considering technical diving in the future

If you come into any of these groups, then this course may be your next one.

PADI Deep diver course
9700 THB
local dives
Includes all required equipment
Certification fee included
Deep diver instructor course
6500 THB
+ PADI fees
Includes all required equipment
Deep Diver Specialty is not a pre-requisite